Press Room
Independent, British Copywriter, Tara Denholm-Smith, is the proud founder of Composing Copy LLP.
Established in 2017, Composing Copy LLP is based in London, UK and is the trading name through which Tara works.
Tara writes for all types and size of industry, helping businesses and individuals to sell their goods, services and even themselves- with clear, well written copy.
Life changing circumstances led to the discovery that was, a talent for writing. Following a period of personal transformation and considerable soul searching, Tara qualified in copywriting, editing and proofreading and Composing Copy LLP was born.
Tara works between her office in London and her home in Spain. Between writing copy and content, Tara writes for local and international press, studies editing and proofreading and has recently won an award for her work in New York.
Tara Denholm-Smith
Composing Copy LLP
York House
Empire Way
Social Media Links
Telephone: +44 (0) 2034754026

Founder of Composing Copy LLP

The Epoch Times, New York

Logo Image Composing Copy LLP

Freelance Copywriter