Boost your website persuasion power- with a Website Copy Critique.
Beat your competition with a handcrafted report that will give you invaluable, jargon-free insight into how hard your website, copy and content are really working.
What's more, you will find out what areas you can improve upon and make certain that your website is running on peak SEO performance.
Not in the UK? Not a problem. I regularly work with clients from all over the world, including America and Australia.
Book your Composing Copy Website Copy Critique. Easy, reliable AND you can order online.
Suitable for any business
Terms and Conditions Apply
Website Copy Critique
What's Included?
How it Works
A detailed 7 page, clear, confidential, handcrafted - yet professional report incorporating an overview of your:
Website accessibility
Website identity
Website navigation
Website copy and content
Keyword density of main pages
SEO report
Plagiarism and grammar check of main pages
Composing Copy website copy critique does not include:
Face-to-face meetings (unless previously agreed)
Technical advice on creating pages, HTML, coding etc.
Follow up telephone consultations, or critique of any subsequent changes that you may make