40 percent of U.K. adults say it’s very important that companies they purchase from have a strong social media presence.
Source: Hootsuite
“Social Networking - it will never catch on.”
That was a quote from my aunt in the early noughties, when technology thundered in like a juggernaut. The fear of us all losing the power of speech was very real.
Far from making us all illiterate, socially awkward keyboard warriors, the advent of social media has connected, inspired and supported literally millions of people.
Whether you love it or hate it, social media marketing is a huge, must-have tool for businesses, spanning all sizes, shapes and industries.
There are literally thousands of social media networks.
Understanding how each media platform works, which one you need and finding fresh, regular content to update your social media with, can seem like one giant headache.
This is the reason why so many small business owners do not take full advantage of the complete social media scene.
Which is a shame.
Social media marketing is often FREE and not just limited to Facebook and Twitter either.
It takes time to gather a set of followers. It also takes patience . And in a fast moving world where your business can't afford to stand still, it's one frustration too many to bear.
Do you feel frustrated at wondering what other social media platforms are out there? What other platforms you should be using and how to learn and integrate social media into your business?
Like a lot of busy people, do you ever wonder if you're getting your social media strategy right, or how it can be improved?
On the surface, social media marketing is all about the shares. Use the right content at the right moment and your followers, will share your content with their followers. This brings your business more followers. These followers and their followers become your prospects.
Are you following me?
Your social media marketing is your online shop. Except it’s free. No rents, rates and the best thing? It’s fluid. Your store moves about. It's not just on a high street or back street. It goes out to your prospects. How cool is that?
But be careful. It's a balancing act. If you spend all your time using social media marketing to promote your products and services, people will stop listening.
You must instil value. Unlike your website copywriting, your social media marketing must focus less on conversions and more on creating amazing copy and content. This will bring your business to the forefront of a hotbed of internet movers and shakers.
Get it right, and you hit your business marketing sweet spot. Get it wrong, and you're wasting your time and effort.
And it is effort.
This is exactly why you need me. An expert marketing copywriter. Social media marketing is now just one less stress you have to cope with.
Take a look at just some of the social media marketing services I can bring into your life:
Social Media Setup
Social Media Campaigns - Advice, Planning, Structure and Implementation
Content, Copy and Image Strategy and Management
Scripting for YouTube and Periscope
Pay Per Click Advertising (Facebook Ads)
Connecting you on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin, Google +, Tumblr, Reddit, Instagram, Shopify, Etsy and more!
Social Media copywriting is not easy to manage, update and inspire. Particularly if you're trying to keep on top of the day job. That's why you need me, an expert copywriter on your side.
I will:
Look at your current social media platforms and make suggestions and improvements
Create and implement a plan of action for raising your brand awareness
Increase your footfall, which means you will make more money
Tweak, adjust and revise all social media content and social media copywriting until you're happy
I’ve been setting up, implementing, advising and writing content for social media for years. Helping businesses just like yours to generate more clients, make more money and save time.
Are you ready for me to help you too?